A conjugal triumph in the Night Run 10 km

In the glow of the lights and with the loud cheering of the crowd of fans on the Main Square in Krakow, a marriage from Ukraine triumphed in the seventh edition of the Night Run 10 km - the best among men was Bogdan Semenowicz with a time of 30 minutes and 20 seconds, and among women Natalia Semenowicz won with time 34 minutes and 41 seconds. 2,856 people from 27 countries took part in the event.

The second place in the men's competition was taken by Jim Mulu Tulu from Ethiopia, and the third place was taken by the Polish representative, Mariusz Giżyński. The entire podium among women was taken by competitors from Ukraine - Bogdana Semionowa was second at the finish line, and Walentyna Werecka was third.

The complete results of the seventh edition of the Krakow Night Run 10 km can be found HERE.

Photo: Szymon Gruchalski; MCH/ZIS